
Watch This Video Learn How To Get The Most From Social Security Perhaps As Much As $250,000 More

About Don  

Let's Meet

“Mr. Goodwin, you are the best in Texas.”

That’s how a client in Bryan, Texas, summarizes his experience with Don Goodwin’s financial services. Those words echo what other clients say about Don. 

Clients appreciate Don because of his dedication to helping them with their financial concerns, such as building worry-free retirements. “In the past few years,” Don says, “many people have suffered because of our nation’s economic turmoil. My goal in retirement planning is twofold: to help clients find safe investments that offer the greatest profits and to help establish a guaranteed income for life they cannot outlive.” 

Don is well-qualified to assist clients. A financial professional since 1979, he has the kind of in-depth knowledge that comes from four decades of experience guiding clients throughout the swings of the economy. His credentials encompass a bachelor’s degree from Lamar University, an Associate’s Degree/Accounting, and the prestigious designation of Enrolled Agent (EA), which less than 10% of tax practitioners have earned. 

Alpha Financial Group assists clients with services ranging from retirement planning, life insurance, tax preparation and tax representation to creating and assisting tax-exempt organizations. In addition to Don, the AFG team consists of Lucas Swinnea, an experienced Life Agent, and Amy Swinnea, an excellent Certified Tax Preparer. Lucas, Don’s son-in- law, and Amy, his daughter, provide excellent customer service and professionalism to AFG.

Schedule An Appointment for Your Complimentary Social Security Maximization Report

In this report, you'll discover...

  • Exactly how and when to claim your social security benefits.
  • How to coordinate claiming your benefits with your spouse. 
  • How to ensure your family continues to receive your benefits after you pass away.
  • Other lucrative strategies that you could be eligible for. 
  • Plus, how to avoid one of the many social security “gotchas” that could cost you thousands of dollars!

Social Security Report

Social Security is enormously complex. Making correct decisions could potentially mean tens of thousands of additional dollars in retirement.

Complimentary Ebook

In this eBook you will learn...

  • How long your money will last if you stop working today.
  • The appropriate spending rate for your retirement savings.
  • The pre-retirement income needed to maintain your current standard of living.
  • How longevity affects funding your retirement.
  • And much, much more! 

Test Your Knowledge About Social Security 

Contact Us

Still have concerns about your financial future? Our team is here to help. You're one click away from expert answers to your most critical retirement questions.

By Appointment Only:
Alpha Financial Group
304 N. Washington Ave
Livingston, TX 77351  

